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Writer's pictureBurton Kelso, Tech Expert

6 Easy Technology Spring Cleaning Tips To Do While You're Quarantined

I hope everyone is doing well with this quarantine. My wife and I both run essential businesses, so life hasn't changed much for us. I know it's tough, but remember that we are all in this together working towards keeping everyone healthy. At this point, you've probably run out of things to do while you're isolated at home, so I've come up with some tech-related spring cleaning tips to help you pass the time. These tips aren't mandatory but can help add a little more organization to your life.

1. Organize and digitize those old photos, slides, and videos. Remember that project of collecting those old photo albums and making them digital? Now is a great time to make that happen. You can use your all in one printer to scan in photos from that photo album. Have photos that are stuck in the cellophane of the photo album? Use the camera from your smartphone to make them digital. Videos are a little tricky, those you will have to send off to have them converted to a digital format. Looking for a place domestically to send them. check out Ken Smithers with Picture This Video ( This 'Video Archeologist' can convert videotapes from any format to digital. Once you convert those photos and videos to digital, you can use Google Photos to backup and save those precious memories ... you can even share your account details so other members of your family can enjoy them as well. If you're looking to have a complete collection of your photos and videos, consider downloading them from your Facebook account.

2. Update (or create) your LinkedIn account. Doesn't matter if you've been laid off, any spare time is a good time to update your Linkedin account. Don't have one? It's time to create one. When you send your resume and cover letter to prospective employers, the first place they will check you out is on social media, specifically Linkedin. When making changes to your profile, update your job information and make sure you upload a professional photo.

3. Speed up that slow computer or device. Yes, you probably don't have any place to go, but there's no need for dealing with a slow device. With technology, less is more. Start by limiting the number of items that startup with your computer, phone, and tablet. On computers, you can disable programs that startup when you turn it on. With smartphones and tablets, you want to close out some of the apps that are running in the background. If you have an older computer, consider upgrading the hard drive to an SSD or solid-state hard drive.

4. Take advantage of that free credit report.  I think Cybercrime has affected all of us. You need to keep on top of your credit score by using free tools like Credit Karma ( or Annual Credit Report ( Keeping on top of your credit lets you know if criminals have access to your personal data.

5. Update Your Devices. I know most of you have put off updating your devices because they are a pain in the butt. Now that you have the time, download those security updates you've been putting off for your Windows, Macintosh, Smartphone, or Table. Security updates are posted to protect you from the latest threats.

6. Erase yourself from people search websites. No one wants their personal information on the web, but in our digital world personal data is king. There is no limit to the organizations that are selling your data to advertisers and businesses. You can pay a fee to services like DeleteMe. You can also go through the task of deleting old email accounts, eliminating social media accounts you don't use and writing to Google to remove your information from websites. It won't happen in a day, but you can regain control of your privacy.

As I stated, these aren't technology tips that are required. You can choose to do them or not do them. Of course, it will be of great benefit to you if you follow these tips and at the very least, it will give you something to occupy your mind so you don't succumb to quarantine Madness.

Want to ask me a tech question? Send it to If you prefer to connect with me on social media, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter and watch great tech tip videos on my YouTube channel. I love technology. I've read all of the manuals and I want to make technology fun and exciting for you. 

If you need on-site or remote tech support for your Windows\Macintosh, computers, laptops, Android/Apple smartphone, tablets, printers, routers, smart home devices, and anything that connects to the Internet, please feel free to contact my team at Integral. My team of friendly tech experts are always standing by to answer your questions and help make your technology useful and fun. Reach out to us a or phone at 888.256.0829. 

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