Halloween is just around the corner. Many of you can remember going out on your own as a child to collect candy from people in the neighborhood. Trick or Treating is a fun experience, but unfortunately there are some scary things that can happen out there … and I’m not just talking about kids in scary costumes. Many parents are reluctant letting their kids trick or treat alone because of what could happen and even if you’re going trick-or-treating with them, what happens if you get separated? Does your child want to go on their own this year to venture out to get candy but you don’t know how to protect them? Want to be able to locate your child if you get separated from them? Fear not. Like everything else out there, you can find an app for that. Here are four of my favorite apps that you can use to keep track of your kids while they are out and about conjuring up some scares and collecting treats.
1. Life360. This app has been around for a while and has many useful features that can help parents keep track of their kids. It’s best feature is the crime alerts feature which allows you to keep your kids safe by knowing about areas high in crime hotspots on the map. You can view details of theft, burglary, vandalism, and registered sex offenders in your neighborhood and the neighborhood your kids are trick or treating in.
2. Glympse. This app allow you to know your kids location in real time. You can request the location of your child while they are out, or they have the option to freely send their location to you. These updates can come in the form of a text message, email or on Facebook or Twitter. You can also modify the app to send you constant updates while they are out so you will always know where they are.
3. FamilyTracker. This is another location sharing app that allows you to keep track of your kids. It’s best feature is “bread crumb” feature that allow you to see every step they take as the are trick or treating.
4. FBI Child ID. This is is a must have app. In the unfortunate event that your child goes missing Halloween night, you can use it as a tool to help authorities find your child. Download this app and keep it updated with pictures and vital information of all of your children just in case one of your children wanders off. Having this information handy saves vital time if you do need to report your child missing. It also contains important information on how to proceed if your child goes missing
Halloween can be a fun time for your family, but remember to take extra safety precautions. Its a good idea to label family contacts as ICE (In Case of Emergency) and sending a flashlight with your child. Also encourage them to travel in groups as there is safety in numbers. Happy Halloween!
How else can you keep up with the latest tech tips and cyber security alerts? Subscribe to my YouTube channel ‘Burton Kelso’ There are hundreds of videos designed to help you get the most out of the technology you use in your home or business. Burton Kelso is the Chief Tech Expert at Integral. They offer tech support to homes and businesses all over the Kansas City Metro. He regularly appears as a guest tech correspondent on ABC, NBC, FOX, and CBS on shows such as Kansas City Live, Better Kansas City, FOX 4 Morning Show, offering viewers easy tips on technology, Internet lifestyle, Internet security and gadgets. You can find Burton on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and watch great tech tip videos on his YouTube channel. He can be reached at 888-256-0829 or email at burton@integralcomputerconsultants.com