If you're like me, you're using some form of technology for the majority of the day and if you're like the average person, you are coming in contact with a computer, smartphone or tablet at least 100 times a day. It's essential for many of us to be on our devices for work and for home, but we all need to put a limit on how much we use our devices. Our technology devices make work and life easier, but being glued to your device can leave you with some serious health issues. If you're experiencing soreness in your fingers and issues with your neck and back, your device has already taken a toll on your body. Here are some tips to prevent smart device injuries.
1. Don’t overuse your device. I know, it almost sounds like telling someone not to pick that scab so your sore will heal. It's simple advice, but it works. Don't continuously use your device for more than a few minutes. While working on laptops or desktops, take a break for 5 minutes after every 25 minutes of continuous working.
2. Use voice commands. Unless you're screaming non-stop at your smart device, you won't hurt your vocal cords. Siri, Google voice, and Cortana are installed on your devices for a reason. Using voice commands can help you rest your hands and your neck when you're using your computer, tablet or smartphone.
3. Use wireless headsets for your smartphone. Yes, there is a such thing as 'text neck'. Want to prevent it? Stop cradling your smartphone between your head and shoulders, stop hand cramps. and get yourself a bluetooth headset when talking on your phone. All smartphones can be used in speaker mode. If you don't like a headset in or on your ears, use speaker mode instead.
4. Avoid using prolonged static postures: Remember the jerk when you were playing 'Simon Says' who would make you hold the same position until your muscles cramped? Well, when you sit at your computer for extended periods of time, it can bring back those painful memories. When you're working on the desktop/laptop and smart devices, move your neck with movements like rotations, arching neck backwards and side bends to relieve your muscles of the strain.
If your fingers or hands start to hurt, back off your technology use for a little while, and ice your hand to help ease pain or swelling.
If the pain continues, it is important to consult a specialist and don't self-medication. Specialists can prescribe pain medication and inject medicine into the facet joint or trigger point for relief from any pain you are experiencing from technology over use.